My mind went blank when the call came in. Standing in Target with a cart full of household needs. People all around me. I left it where it was and drove the longest 5 minutes of my life.
My name is Heather Catallo, October 2018 rocked my world. As a mom, I never thought I'd face a cancer diagnosis. I thought that only happens to other people.
My friends went in together to get me a cozy blanket, a journal, a bag to carry the things I needed, chapstick, lotion, ginger chews for the nausea, and a host of other little things that meant so much.
Through meditation, journaling, self awareness, positive affirmations, laughter, love and forgiveness, I learned that I’m enough. It’s amazing what a little positive energy can do in the healing process. I am thankful to be on the other side of the struggle and the journey.
I Choose You Everyday was created to have a positive impact for those that are facing a cancer diagnosis, going through treatment or on the other side, healing post treatment. I hope the items you find here will support and uplift as you navigate the road ahead.